Membership in Zonta International and the Zonta Club of Boca Raton Area is by invitation. We are an international womens service organization dedicated to advancing the status of women locally and globally. Membership is a responsibility that requires time, resources, and financial commitments.
Membership is open to those that shall be or have been actively engaged in a decision-making capacity in a recognized business or profession, and willing to support the objectives of Zonta. Member classification is based on occupations and the Zonta classification system based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations.
We invite you to attend and participate in our business dinner meetings, fund raisers, wine and cheese events or special activities prior to joining. This will allow you to get to know and network with our dynamic members. Once we get to know each other you will see the benefits of becoming an active member of the Zonta Club of Boca Raton Area.
Members are responsible for regularly attending club and relevant committee meetings. You must pay all dues, fees, and assessments promptly. You may be called upon to serve in leadership roles and give your time, talent, and enthusiasm to the organization. You are also responsible for identifying and recommending prospective new members. As time and resources allow, you are encouraged to also attend Area, District, and International meetings, Workshops, Conferences, and Conventions. We are an active service organization in the Boca Raton Area and are committed to making a difference in the status of women in our community.
The membership process is very straightforward. Prospective members are required to attend two Club functions to be eligible for membership. These requirements include those that shall be or have been actively engaged in a decision-making capacity in a recognized business or profession. The Membership Committee reviews your application for appropriate classification and presents it at the next board meeting. Once eligibility is determined you will be mailed a letter inviting you to join our Club.
We are dedicated to ensuring your membership in Zonta is a mutually rewarding experience both now and in the future.